Saturday, May 07, 2005

Letter to Our Ten Day Team

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, nothing else ever has."

Dear Small Group, :)

You're taking on something that may seem overwhelming at the moment but in the long run will be one of the most rewarding experiences you've ever had. Welcome aboard.

After this email, I'd love everyone to take a moment to email me back with a line or two about why they've decided to go on this trip - as well as what city you're from and anything else that feels pertinent. I'll compile them and send them out to you guys as a group. Here's mine:

Cori Stern - I'm going because I love Africa and love sharing the experience of breaking past our usual geographic and mental boundaries with other people. I'm from Los Angeles, by way of Texas. I'm a writer.

I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you, so send out your intro when you can. Don't worry about crafting the perfect statement. First thought, best thought.

I'm compiling a fundraising tips email that will go out separately from this one so be on the lookout for that. Any emails I or Kristi (our logistics leader) sends you will be posted on our blog as well. Feel free to email me or post questions on the blog.

The blog address is

Also - all questions are important - so unless you request otherwise I may share yours with the group. This is unknown territory for most of you guys and I'm sure you're going through similiar experiences.

Kristi has just posted info on your obtaining your visas on the blog. Definitely check that out. If you've never had to get a visa before, you should know that you'll have to actually send your passport to the Ghanian embassy in Washington, DC and they'll send it back with the visa affixed inside. Few things are as exciting as opening your passport to see a new fancy stamp inside. Keep in mind that we are officially going as "tourists" over there, so you'll be checking all those boxes on your forms. Kristi has given detailed instructions on how to go about everything.

If you don't have a passport, let me know. I'll help you figure out the most efficient way to get one.

Talk to you all soon!



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